Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Viewpoint From The Estiator Magazine's Oct. 2012 Issue

Using as starting point the Catholicism's late Carlo Maria Martini's interview that the Church is 200 year's behind times, the mag continues with remarks on Orthodoxy, quoting that instead of the 200 years that Catholics are behind, Orthodox have remained 1000 years behind times.
Explaining its theory, the writer says this is because the Church has gotten "stuck" in outdated religious decrees and old fashioned practices, particularly since the current ecumenical patriarch Vartholomaios has gotten into power. Not only did he limit himself in dissolving the former great Church in the Western Hemisphere, he also, via the metropolitans attempts to maintenain the retrogressiveness which has led to the thinning out of church attendance, in the effort to impose a foundamentalism which is totally unacceptable in this day and age.
And we ask: Is it Vartholomaios the one who who has done this damage to the Church, or is it the man behind the scenes who made sure that Vartholomaios rises to power? After all, there is an agenda in modern Rasputin's vision. All monetarily and influence-driven.